Draft warrant articles affecting lot size and rentals came before the Select Board Monday after the Planning Board created them to address existing zoning ordinances.
One article proposes to reduce the required minimum lot size in the village to 35,000 square feet, down from a square acre, which is 43,560 square feet. At the most-recent Planning Board meeting, interim Chair Archie McIntyre said that this change is intended to create more housing options available in the village.
A second article proposes relabeling “transient housing” as “short-term housing” in the zoning ordinance and defines it as “any rental in any district with a term of 15 days or less.”
“The Select Board accepts these articles,” Town Administrator Kate Fuller said Wednesday, adding that although board members have received them, actual action on any final articles would come later.
The Planning Board will set and post a date for public hearings on their articles.
In other news, with the town having received permission from the state Board of Education to seek separation from the ConVal School District through a vote in March, the board discussed how to move forward with the next phase of this process.
The board asked Dublin Education Advisory Committee member Blake Minckler if he would be willing to be a liaison between citizens working on the next phase of the matter and the Select Board.
“It’s really an organic group of citizens now,” said Minckler Wednesday, adding that he agreed to help but emphasized that it’s nothing official. “It’s also important that we involve and hear from people at DCS (Dublin Consolidated School.) We want to work with them.”
If 50% of voters across the district vote in favor during the election in March, or 60% in Dublin and 40% district-wide do so, the withdrawal will be approved.
In another matter, Hank Campbell has retired as superintendent of the Dublin Cemetery. Francis McKenna and Brian Barden will cover tasks there as needed.
Charlie O’Riordan was approved as a library trustee, and Yedida Landis was approved as an alternate trustee. Geoffrey Griffiths was approved to be an alternate member to the Conservation Commission.